HD-PLR Plasma Lightning Rejector Device

  First,HD-PLR Overview

  HD-PLR adopts the international leading lightning protection theory,the use of the array of multi-needle‘like the tip effect’,so that the protection of the target in the electric field strength is relatively low(i.e.,safe)in the electric field,at the same time on the thundercloud anisotropic charge to form a strong and effective neutralisation,and in time to destroy the lightning precursor,to eliminate the lightning phenomenon of the focus of the protection range,to ensure the safety of equipment,personnel,and so on.

HD-PLR Plasma Lightning Rejector Device

  Second,HD-PLR features and advantages

  1,Simple structure,strong and reliable;

  2,Compared with the active plasma generator equipped with power electronic devices,it has better weather resistance and longer service life;

  3,unlike the passive lightning rod flashing function,HD-PLR lightning repeller can achieve active lightning repellent,so that the effective area to eliminate the phenomenon of lightning strikes;

  4,It can be applied to manoeuvrable targets and difficult to climb high targets;

  5,in the thundercloud electric field excitation adaptive operation,without the need to configure lightning warning device for regulation;

  6,can be configured with data storage function of lightning warning device,can monitor real-time warning and historical lightning data,can be used with online monitoring system;

  7,PLR emits plasma,the rise of positive ions is conducive to purifying the air,the decline of negative ions is conducive to the health of living organisms.

HD-PLR Plasma Lightning Repellent Device

  Third,HD-PLR lightning protection mechanism

  1,the use of arrays of multi-needle‘like the tip effect’,so that the PLR itself by the thundercloud electric field induced by the electric field strength of tens of times higher than the target to be protected but tens of times lower than the traditional lightning rods,so that the target to be protected in a relatively low and safe electric field,and lead to gather the bottom of the thundercloud charge to the composite structure of the ionisation of the strong plasma generated by the high efficiency of the neutralisation.

  2,its composite built-in high field strength discharge structure strong ionisation discharge is not subject to external traditional lightning arrays multi-needle self-shielding effect inhibition,by the thundercloud electric field excitation generates as high as 30mC/s above the dissipation of charge,effective neutralisation of the agglomerated cloud-ground charge±Q,in 5 minutes can be neutralised in 9C cloud-ground charge,so that the cloud-ground equivalent capacitance of the pole plate to become a leakage of‘bad capacitance‘,effectively inhibit the formation of lightning pilot without subsequent induced lightning strikes,that is,in the simulation of a single thundercloud under the entire pole plate will not form lightning strikes.

  3,even in the tip effect will be 1000 times greater electric field strength of the single lightning rod of the strongest electric field agitation interference,but also in the sea level is difficult to achieve strong ionisation of the conditions of the protection angle is greater than 84°protection range.

  Fourth,Advantages of HD-PLR

  1,No need for power supply

  The use of thundercloud electric field excitation multiple discharger in the thundercloud induction of low-field strength and high-field can be strong ionisation discharge,a single PLR passive plasma generated by 1KVA active generator to produce plasma 500 times and dissipate the charge up to 30mC/s(30mA)or more,the angle of protection of more than 84°(installation of the relative height difference of H 10 times).

  2,No need to connect to the ground

  PLR to the ground to dissipate a number of 10mA level dissipative current against lightning,will not flash a strong lightning current so no need to be grounded by a small resistance,grounding resistance up to several kΩcan still operate normally against lightning.

  3,40 years of effective service life

  PLR structure is simple and strong,reliable,economical,with good weather resistance.Service life can be up to 40 years or more,maintenance-free operation can be achieved during the effective period.It has low application cost and high cost performance.

  Fifth,HD-PLR technical parameters

  1,Array needle radiation diameter:Φ0.6m~Φ2m

  2,Number of main/vice array needles:13/13×7

  3,PLR body weight:3kg~12kg

  4,PLR lightning protection angle/protection radius:84°/10×H

  5,service life:more than 40 years/30 years(heavy salt pollution environment)

  6,Moving target can be equipped with basalt fibre lifting rod:contraction height 1.9m;unfolding height 9m~16m;weight 19kg~36kg.

HD-PLR technical parameters

  Sixth,HD-PLR application range

  The device is suitable for villa area,forestry field,historical monuments,laboratories,industrial land,substations,transmission lines,new energy fans,national defence field land and other key protection areas with high security requirements,but also protect natural resources and prevent forest fires.

  Seventh,HD-PLR Application Cases

  -PLR protects 60,000 people/km²of Yushu heavy minefield in the earthquake relief tent area of the racecourse.

  -PLR protection for radio station transmission tower in Donghai mine-heavy area.

  -PLR protection for communication base station in Fushun Dahuofang Reservoir

  -Lightning protection for 250m high long wave transmission tower in coastal minefield

  -Mobile Communication Base Station in Snowy Plateau Minefield

  -PLR at Bali Airport in Indonesia's heavily mined area

  -PLR lightning protection for a naval department's observation station

  To learn more about lightning protection and grounding products-HR-PLR plasma lightning protection device related content,welcome to call the free hotline!

A high-tech enterprise that integrates lightning protection design, lightning protection construction, grounding resistance reduction, and lightning protection technology research and development,
In the field of lightning protection, we adhere to the principle of prevention and control, with a focus on preventing lightning hazards.